Chemistry Education University of Mulawarman

  • Muhammad Iksan Chemistry Education, University of Mulawarman


Research has been done on the Virtual Labs as a limited means of chemical laboratories in schools, this study aims to determine how much student motivation in the material titration using a virtual lab. In the acid-base titration study using virtual labs can motivate students more enthusiastic in learning teaching activities. The result is obtained after a study conducted using virtual labs and data obtained from the questionnaire and interview. After doing learning with virtual labs can be concluded motivation of students categorized as very high.


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Author Biography

Muhammad Iksan, Chemistry Education, University of Mulawarman
Graduated Chemistry Education University of Mulawarman
How to Cite
IKSAN, Muhammad. Chemistry Education University of Mulawarman. PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL KIMIA, [S.l.], sep. 2016. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 sep. 2024.