Sintesis Sabun Lunak Yang Mengandung Polihidroksi Dari Minyak Biji Kakao (Theobroma cacao,L)

  • Chairul Saleh Jurusan Kimia Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Mulawarman
  • Daniel Tarigan Jurusan Kimia Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Mulawarman
  • Rabiatul Adhawiyah Al-Idrus Jurusan Kimia Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Mulawarman


The research about synthesis of  Soft Soap Containing polyhydroxy from Cocoa seed Oil, beginning with the manufacture of the polyhydroxy compound wherein the polyhydroxy compound is obtained through a process of epoxidation and hydroxylation by reacting oils cocoa beans with peroxide acetic acids (peroxy acetate was obtained from the reaction of glacial acetic acid with hydrogen peroxide) with an acid catalyst sulfate followed by oxirane ring opening process (hydrolysis) at a temperature of 40-45  oC for 2 hours, the results obtained with the reaction yield of 60 %. In the form of a mixture of soft soap is obtained by saponification of compounds polyhydroxy with Potassium Hydroxide at a temperature 70-75  oC for 1 hour with a yield of  86,45  %.  Polyhydroxy compound and soap from the cocoa bean oil was analyzed by FT-IR spectrophotometer.

Respectively iodine from the cocoa bean oil 102,93mg I / gram of oil and polyhydroxy compound is 20,21 mg I / gram of oil. HLB of soap Software of oil and polyhydroxy cocoa beans from the cocoa bean oil is determined by titration method and obtained HLB of soft soap from the cocoa bean oil was 8.74 while the polyhydroxy from cacao seed oil is 10,94.

Cocoa bean oil, Polyhydroxy compound, Soft soap polyhydroxy


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Minifie, B.W., 1999. Chocolate, Cocoa and Confectionary: Science and Technology. The AVI Publishing Connecticut USA.

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How to Cite
SALEH, Chairul; TARIGAN, Daniel; AL-IDRUS, Rabiatul Adhawiyah. Sintesis Sabun Lunak Yang Mengandung Polihidroksi Dari Minyak Biji Kakao (Theobroma cacao,L). JURNAL KIMIA MULAWARMAN, [S.l.], v. 13, n. 2, june 2016. ISSN 2476-9258. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 16 mar. 2025.

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